Biathlon Team
Biathlon is an Olympic Sport in which the cadet movement has selected as one of its Regionally Directed Activities. Traditionally the sport is cross-country skiing and shooting. Our program uses both this method as well as running and shooting as a standard for competition.
The Stage II Competition (Zones) are held in early November of each year and are comprised of a race of 3 km in distance. The competitor will run 1km, shoot 5 drop down targets with a .177 cal Daisy Air Rifle. Then run 1km, shoot 5 more targets and then finally run a final 1km. If the cadets advance from Stage II to Stage III (AB Provincials) then the competition moves to cross-country skiing (skate) and shooting a .22 cal Anshutz Rifle.
The age and gender of the competitor will dictate the skiing distance, but in all instances, there will be 2 bouts of shooting. Juniors will shoot both bouts in the prone (laying down) position while Senior and Youth will shoot one bout prone and one bout standing. Should the competitors win and advance to Stage IV (National's) then additional training will be conducted and the firearms will change slightly.
To any cadets wishing to try out for the Biathlon Team in the fall, you must be prepared to run 3km outdoors over un-even terrain, including hills. Start practicing now!