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Squadron CO's

The following is a record of the names of those who have served as the Commanding Officer of this squadron.

1941 - 52 (Calgary) Squadron Air Cadets of Canada

Flight Lieutenant Ron Matthews


Flight Lieutenant Robert Bonham

1941 - 1942

1943 - 52 (Calgary) Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Squadron Leader Phil Heather

1942 - 1948

Flight Lieutenant Charles Tuckey

1956 - 1957

Flight Lieutenant Harold Fowler

1966 - 1967

Captain Lorne Fleming, CD

1973 - 1976

Squadron Leader Peter Cormack

1942 - 1953

Flight Lieutenant David Dack

1957 - 1964

Major George Ames

1967 - 1970

Major Don Symington

1976 - 1979

Squadron Leader Don Woodley, DFC

1953 - 1956

Squadron Leader Jack Bennett, CD

1964 - 1966

Captain Robert Dunn

1970 - 1973

1981 - 52 (City of Calgary) Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Captain James McGovern

1979 - 1983

Major Randy Fisher, CD

1992 - 1995

Major Phil Ricard

2001 - 2004

Major Rob Caswell

2009 - 2012

Captain Jeramie Welsh

2016 - 2017

Major Gab Payne

1983 - 1986

Major Brent Lewis

1995 - 1998

Major Kris Van Apeldoorn

2004 - 2006

Major Candace Van Apeldoorn, CD

2012 - 2013

Major Gene Kushnir, CD

2017 - 2021

Major Art Hill, CD

1986 - 1992

Captain Mel Gale

1998 - 2001

Major Kenn Nixon

2006 - 2009

Major Rob Caswell, CD

2013 - 2016

Major Kris Van Apeldoorn, CD, AdeC

2021 - Present

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